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NPM packages

All of them have 0 dependencies.

  • up-npm CLI tool written in Go to review and update your NPM dependencies, easy and fast.
  • dame: minimalistic HTTP client for the browser and Node.js.
  • sincro CLI tool written in Go to sync your files between a source and multiple destinations.
  • cajache minimalistic javascript caching library.
  • entor: loads environment variables from JSON files into process.env and supports shared environments.
  • validame: javascript string validator that returns the error message.
  • @icaruk/debounce: javascript debouncer that instead returning a debounced function it will execute it after the specified time.
  • objdeepset: javascript immutable object deep setter.
  • objeto: Object helper to get, set, delete and check nested properties without risk.



Agora is a web application that helps you keep your household chores up to date in an organized way. You can also keep track of the stock of all your groceries to generate shopping lists automatically.

  • React + MobX + Mantine
  • Fastify
  • SurrealDB

Economos is the money manager that allows you to categorize and visualize your expenses and income in an efficient and flexible way.
With this information you will have the perspective you need to make decisions about your money.

  • React + MobX + Ant Design
  • Fastify
  • MongoDB
Tres en raya

Tic tac toe game vs computer. The computer is smart, but not perfect. No login required. Ranked leaderboards.

  • React + Ant Design
  • Fastify
  • MongoDB
Albion profit

Albion Profit is a tool for the game “Albion Online” that enables users to semi-automatically calculate the profit of any combination of one product with multiple ingredients. Is multiserver and multilanguage.

  • React + MobX
  • Inlang

For fun

  • Trapping rain water: This is my solution to the Trapping Rain Water challenge. Demo here.
  • DungeonJS: One of my first javascript projects, it’s a simple game where you need to find the key to enter the door to the next level, the level generation is procedural. If you hold the space bar a “bot” will play for you. Demo here.
  • Ojson: JSON visualizer done while learning Svelte. Demo here.

VSCode extensions

  • mementos: Enhances productivity by providing visual cues and easy navigation to important areas with specific and configurable comments.
  • icarukTime: Measures the time you spend on each project, language and file, offline.
  • Tab filler: It fills with tabs the lines that should be tabbed.

